Waves of Hope Fund
Bill Shipp, Triple Crown Swimmer
Waves of Hope Fund
The Waves of Hope Fund is a Field of Interest fund established through the Community Foundation for the National Capital Region, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Initiated in 2014 through initial funding by Bill Shipp, a resident of Prince George’s County, Maryland, the fund is dedicated to providing support for organizations offering programs and assistance directly to real people in need within the following fields of interest:
Wellness and Recovery
Children in Need
Arts Organizations
Economic Development and Sustainability
Bill Shipp
In my professional life, I serve as Managing Director of the law firm of O'Malley, Miles, Nylen & Gilmore, P.A., a business and real estate law firm based in Prince George's County, Maryland, Annapolis, and Southern Maryland.
A life-long swimmer, I competed with the Solotar Swim Team and Herndon High School before swimming at George Washington University. As a Masters swimmer I am a member of UMAC -Terrapin Masters Swim Club and the Arundel Breakfast Club (ABC Swimming). I have been building my open water resume for the past 6 years.
After traversing the 25-mile length of Lake Memphremagog from Newport, Vermont to Magog, Quebec in Canada in 2012, I set my sights on additional marathon swims. Completed swims include: Swim Across the Sound (2013); Boston Light Swim (2014); Border Buster, Newport, Vermont (2014); Double crossing of the Chesapeake Bay (2014); English Channel (2014); Manhattan Island Marathon Swim (2015); Catalina Channel (2015); and multiple completions of the Great Chesapeake Bay Swim and the Kingdom 10 mile swim. You can read more about these swims on my Swim History Page.

Supported Charities

The Wayne K. Curry Lung Cancer Disparity Awareness Fund
Former Prince George's County Executive Wayne K. Curry died of lung cancer in 2014. In the final days of Wayne’s life, he wanted to bring attention to lung cancer and how it disproportionately affects the African-American community. His fund is committed to helping overcome this disparity in our community.
Art Works Studio School
Located in the Arts District of Prince George's County, the mission of ArtWorks is to create a stronger community through the arts. Artworks achieves this with affordable, content-rich art classes and projects. The studio's core value of social justice is activated through content of programming, commitment to reducing economic barriers to art education, and long-term, accountable relationships with the community.

The Waves of Hope Fund has supported several charities since its founding in 2014. In 2016 and beyond, these are the primary charities I'll be supporting with my fundraising and swimming.
Hope Connections is dedicated to helping people with cancer and their loved ones deal with the emotional and physical impact of cancer through participation in professionally facilitated programs of emotional support, education, wellness, and hope.
I am working with Hope Connections to bring their programs and support to persons living in Prince George's County, Maryland.

Hope Connections for Cancer Support

The Power of Affirmations
I believe the one question all marathon swimmers are asked is:
"What do you think about during all those hours while you're swimming?"
There are as many answers to this question as there are swimmers. Marathon swimming is as much a mental challenge as it is physical. Some swimmers are strictly business and focus on pace and strategy, while others compose songs and sing them over and over. When I'm not taking inventory of how my body is feeling and thinking of swim-related matters, I have employed the Power of Affirmations. Before each swim, I gather a mental list of friends or family facing health challenges, and I repeat an affirmation for them over and over as I swim. By repeating the affirmation in cadence with my stroke rythym, I am able to pass the time and keep my pace steady. It becomes a sort of virtual metronome in my head.
The main affirmation I repeat for myself when I start to tire is:
"With each stroke I get stronger."
I've listed some examples of other affirmations below. If you would like to be added to my list, email me. I believe in the power of putting positive energy out in the universe, and I know it has helped me carry on when the going gets really tough.
With each stroke, I picture Doug fully recovered and cancer-free.
With each stroke, I picture Ellen healthy, active, and pain-free.
With each stroke I see Donna pain-free and fully healed.
With each stroke, I see Joan cancer-free and fully healed.
With every stroke, I see Jackie healthy, vibrant and pain-free.
With each stroke, I see Rod fully healed and healthy.

Contact me below!